
Micro recorder longe autonomy

Référence lmf80
Tax included
Average rating: 5/5
  • Very long autonomy up to 80 hours
  • Discreet and very flat product, easy to conceal
  • Ability to listen to recordings without a computer (earphones)
spy recorder

Audio recorder with long autonomy

Very long autonomy recorder with very good sound quality. 

Quite simple to use and conceal, you can slip it into a pocket of your jacket for example. 

You can listen to your recordings directly via the supplied headphones. 

MP3 reader and recorder divce

It is a real mp3 player which is very flat and easy to hide. 

Autonomy up to 80 hours continuous. 

You can use it without needing specific software on your PC to listen to your recordings. 


Very long autonomy

Up to 80 hours of recording


Long range

Up to 10 meters radius


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rating 5 5 0.5
top dans ma chemise

Je le mets dans ma chemise pour enregistrer les conversations importants ! la qualité est juste top ! livraison rapide aussi

rating 5 5 0.5
super autonomie très content.
rating 4.5 5 0.5
vraiment bien !

très plat super autonomie

rating 4.5 5 0.5
bon produit
livraison en retard (probleme de poste)